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How to make fresh homemade Christmas potpourri… super easy!
The smell of freshly baked bread, cinnamon rolls, delicious soup on the stove, a roast cooking in the oven… Few things create memories or bring back memories like delicious food and smells coming from the kitchen. Mmmmmm…
Certain smells can sure bring back memories like nothing else. Such is the case with this homemade fresh Christmas potpourri that my mom had on the stove every December.
All through the Christmas season, each time we’d walk in the door the whole house smelled so heavenly. So rich, cozy, homey, warm, and so Christmasy. We loved it!
That potpourri on the stove was a super simple way of creating such a lovely atmosphere at home. I’ve carried on the tradition in my home and have this on my stove every Christmas as well, and my family really loves it. We’ve even packaged it up and given it as gifts to neighbors and friends.
Here I’ll tell you how to make it, and below you can get a free printable pdf for little gift cards with the recipe and instructions so you can create these inexpensive little gifts as well.
It sure is nice to have such a simple and easy way of creating a lovely Christmas atmosphere for your home. I hope you enjoy it!
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It’s super simple! Here’s how you make it:
- Slice whole orange into 3/8" slices with peels still on
- Place 2-3 slices of the orange into small saucepan filled with an inch or two of water
- Place 2 cinnamon sticks and 8-10 whole cloves into saucepan
Bring to boil, then turn down heat and lightly simmer as long as you want. You may need to add more water as the water simmers off. Your saucepan can sit on your stovetop for a few days, and only turn on the heat to reactivate the smell as often as you like. Discoloration of the orange slices is normal and they can be used for up to a few days. After the first batch has expired, replace with a new batch of ingredients and fresh water and continue enjoying the lovely aroma throughout the season!
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Give Fresh Homemade Christmas Potpourri as Easy yet Meaningful Gifts this Year.
Get a free printable PDF of the little gift card that also has the recipe and instructions so you can create these inexpensive little gifts as well.
If you try this at your home, let me know how you like it!
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How to Make Fresh Homemade Christmas Potpourri
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