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I was on facebook the other day reading some posts on a homeschooling group board and one person asked the question, “What is one piece of advice you would go back and give your ‘new-to-homeschooling’ self?”
I was so intrigued by the answers and thought they were so helpful, that I messaged each person who commented and asked them if I could have permission to share their advice.
I got lots of yeses! So here you go!
Here are some great tips & advice for new homeschooling moms from veteran homeschoolers!
Evelyn said: Don’t overthink, and start with less and build from what you have otherwise you will stress out.
Sandy said: Relax, keep it simple and fun. Learn what you want to not what they say they are doing in PS, checklists, and not their time schedule. Do lots of reading aloud.
Sandra said: Relax. Slow down. Wait – it’s not a race. Don’t underestimate the value in the learning that happens through life. Realize how little value multiple choice and fill in the blank workbooks and tests have. Follow their interests. Make sure you learn their learning styles and meet them. Realize that each kid in your family may need something different.
Jennifer J. said: I would stick with the unit study method that we started with. I kept trying different methods every year instead of being consistent with what worked.
Holly said: Enjoy the journey! There is more to homeschooling than academics, all of life is educational. Don’t get caught in the “school must look this way to count” mindset.
Courtney said: Forget schedules. Go with it. Every kid is different.
Becca said: Not to stress yourself or your kid about reading. If I could go back… so many unnecessary tears over reading
Jennifer C. said: Curriculum is a tool and NOT a master; it’s ok to not do the math review assignment in the guide if your kid knows the material backward and forwards! If it’s not working for you, then don’t be afraid to try something else that might work better for your family. And remember there is no single BEST option, just what works for you and your kids!
Bria said: Just relax and read a bunch of books together. Stop stressing over doing “enough” and making them do the reading. Just focus on getting exposure to lots of literature.
Debbie said: Just one? I’ve been at this for almost 25 years, so it wasn’t as common… so my advice would be to ignore the naysayers.
Rachel said: Wait. Better to start later than early.
Brandy said: Relax and enjoy the time you get to have with your children because time passes too quickly. Stop caring what others think and believe in yourself.
Faye said: Stop searching for the next best curriculum especially when what you are using is working.
Lisa said: I just wish I started homeschooling when it first crossed my mind instead of doubting myself and putting it off.
Brynn said: Wait. Let go of trying to do anything official for school until they are at LEAST 6… and even then do a little math, handwriting, and phonics. Let the rest be natural exploratory learning. The rest really can wait. And the blessing is I have so many kids that I’ve been able to follow my own advice with my younger crowd. 🙂 I’m actually sure I heard people tell me to wait when we started, but I didn’t want to hear it. Sometimes you have to experience things for yourself.
Molly said: More curriculum will not make it easier or your child smarter. Stick to the basics. A library card is much more useful than that cool shine new curriculum set.
Kimberly said: Stick with that curriculum you bought that you and the kids like. Don’t change just because somebody else has something different and it looks “cool” or their kids seem “better educated” or whatever. The one you chose works really well, don’t rock the boat for “fanciness.”
Carolyn said: Let them learn how they can and want. Not WHAT they want but how they learn best. Don’t try to teach the 2 older ones together…. although it would (and does) save me energy, brain cells, and hair. They can learn from different books… they don’t need just one set curriculum. Each kid is different and unique. It may mean more work for me to teach them but makes it easier for them to learn. It’s okay to “forget the books” and go outside.
Paula said: If all else fails, take a nap!
Miranda said: Do NOT compare children. Not yours to those of others or to each other. Just don’t. At all. … and don’t allow others to do it either!
Teresa said: Time out and ask people.
Lauryn said: Do what is right for your family, which is not necessarily what you start out thinking it is.
And I would add one more piece of advice. Ok, I have WAY more than just one piece of advice to give . . . But this one will really fit well here.
Myra says: Remember, it’s all about the relationships. “What? No, it’s all about the education!” Yes, education is super important, but a great education at the expense of the family relationship will do more harm than good. Remember that you are a family first and that education is just what a happy family engages in. It’s what helps make life rich and bountiful. So yes, give your best to this homeschooling thing, but just remember that love and kindness go a long way in a child’s education.
Wrapping it up:
So there you have it, my friends! Some great tips and advice for you as a new homeschooling mom from veteran homeschool moms who have been there and done that.
I tell you, as the homeschooling movement continues to grow and grow, more people are going to need this kind of help from those who are in the trenches. So I really, really appreciate all these good ladies for allowing me to share their advice. Thank you!
Other great homeschooling articles that you may like:
- A Letter to a New Homeschooling Mom
- Why Do Parents Choose to Homeschool Their Kids?
- Do Kids Like Being Homeschooled? Let’s Ask Them…
- Why We Decided to Homeschool – Cristina’s Story
Get “15 Things to Remember When You Start Homeschooling”!
Do you have some good homeschooling tips or advice to share? Please do so in the comments!
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Thanks for sharing such a great tips, I have homeschooled my children and blog like these have always helped me in homeschooling my children in best way.
You’re so welcome! I’m glad it helped. 🙂